Collection of 28 nibs

$11.85 (including VAT 0%)
In stock - Delivery 3 days
  • Buy 5 for $11.26 each and save $2.95
  • Buy 8 for $10.96 each and save $7.12
  • Buy 10 for $10.66 each and save $11.90

This collection of 28 never used pens consists of:

1 A. Sommerville & Co, Bremer Börsen, Kugelspitzfeder EF

1 Blanzy,Poure & Cie Plume Monopole No.737 M
1 F.Soennecken 516 EF
1 D.Leonardt & Co's Plume de Brazza no.1860 F
1 HUNT Falcon no.97
1 Sommerville's Bremer Börsenfeder EF
1 Herm.Müller Kanslei-Feder nr.1411 EF
1 Baignol & Farjon “Gloire de Boulogne” 2298
1 Brause & Co. Iserlohn No.308 EF
1 Plume Ballon Extra Fine Belgica 047
1 Peseux No.50 Sirius "Script Pen"
1 Baignol & Farjon Henry Supérieure No.730 EF
1 Perry & Co The “Judges Own Pen” No.1077
1 B.P.& Cie No.29 bis Plume Lance
1 Gilbert & Blanzy-Poure No.702 “Mitrailleuse” Plume
1 Ejka No.10 EF British made Elastikpen
1 Brause & Co Iserlohn No.60
1 Russian nib no.23
1 Brause & Co Iserlohn no.51 EF
1 A.Sommerville No.750 EF Plume Gauloise
1 John Mitchell's Engrossing Pens no.0133 M
1 Brause & Co Iserlohn Pfannenfeder No.50
1 Baignol & Farjon Ronde Bosse no.1
1 Sveriges Pennfabrik No.21 EF
1 Lus Pluma Gobbina 055 EF
1 Myers Supa 373
1 Imsa Perfecta 1½
1 Baignol & Farjon no.803 “Général Leman”

All nibs are in perfect condition


If some nibs in this collection of 28 nibs suits you well and they are not listed on this website, you can ask me to sell to you more of these nibs.

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